Second Inquisition
adriano Avatar
Bjorn Ragnarsson
created Jan 15, 2020 18:00:45 GMT
0replies 48views last post
Jan 15, 2020 18:00:45 GMT
adriano Avatar
dan Avatar
Magnus Ragnarsson
created Jan 15, 2020 0:25:05 GMT
by dan
1reply 54views last post
Jan 15, 2020 15:12:06 GMT
Joey (Admin Account) Avatar
jacob Avatar
[INQUISITOR] Thaddaeus Rowle
created Jan 10, 2020 19:29:16 GMT
1reply 94views last post
Jan 13, 2020 22:50:10 GMT
methuselah Avatar
jeroen Avatar
[INQUISITOR] Jeremiah Rowle
created Jan 10, 2020 19:28:08 GMT
1reply 122views last post
Jan 13, 2020 22:49:17 GMT
methuselah Avatar
4 threads
7 posts
The Second Inquisition (often shortened to SI) is a union of various secret services with the witch-hunters of the old Inquisition that has begun to systematically hunt vampires all around the globe.
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